A T T I T U D E S & B E T H A N Y N O R M S
We have high expectations at Bethany School for children to display excellent attitudes towards each other, adults, their work, and our property. We explicitly teach these through our school norms, PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) lessons, prayers, and our general expectations throughout the school day.
Children are expected to demonstrate the utmost respect for this building at all times. Keeping the building clean and tidy, taking care not to cause damage to the building or to school property or personal property and, wherever we can, trying to improve our surroundings, all demonstrate a good attitude to our possessions and our environment.
We also teach children to have high levels of self-respect. We have deliberately chosen not to have a school uniform, and instead encourage children to make wise choices about wearing modest and appropriate clothing, which is simple, sensible, and comfortable. Footwear needs to be covered (no flip flops) for safety. Earrings (a single stud or sleeper) can be worn, as can a single ring and wristwatch. Wearing conspicuous make-up (including nail varnish) is not permitted. One of the many good things at Bethany School is the minimal peer pressure our children feel to be excessively fashion or brand conscious. We want to maintain this happy atmosphere and discourage competition or ill-feeling between the children regarding clothing and possessions. We want to encourage the pupils to be thankful for their God-given individuality, the talents, gifts and abilities which He has given them and to trust Him when they feel their weaknesses.
Pupils are expected to care for each other, to be kind and helpful, and to look out for those who might be unhappy and try to include them in what they are doing. They are encouraged to be very careful about how they speak, as words can be powerful, and to pray for each other. Physical violence is unacceptable at all times. Children are also taught to be respectful and courteous to all adults that come to our school. As we teach children to be kind, helpful and friendly, we encourage them to display these characteristics in order to honour and glorify God.
At Bethany School we have high expectations for behaviour at all times.
Praise for good work and behaviour forms the foundation of how we establish a good working atmosphere and communicate our expectations. Younger classes have specific reward systems in place to provide a visual reinforcement of our expectations. In the senior department where staff do not see parents as often, an email or a Green Report Sheet may be sent home if a child’s work, behaviour or attitude is particularly commendable. As a whole school we celebrate particular achievements in work and good attitudes in Friday’s extended ‘Good Work’ assembly.
Bethany School norms:
Norm… What is required, desired or designated as normal. A model, pattern or standard, which is usual, common or typical.
Bethany School has five 'norms' that clearly set out our expectations for behaviour and attitude. Each year we will report to parents on their child's progress and attainment against these norms.
Bethany School norms are a set of general and wide reaching expectations, behaviours and attitudes which, when followed, will create a safe and orderly school environment, conducive to learning and honouring to God. In addition to these norms there are other specific common sense or health and safety rules that are amended from time to time and publicised in school, such as playground behaviour guidelines.
“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright and Godly lives” (Titus 2:11-12)
Gentleness and Self Control
‘Let your gentleness be seen by everyone.’ Philippians 4:5
‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control’ Galatians 5:22-23
We will be kind and thoughtful to others, say sorry and show forgiveness
We will be quiet, gentle and calm at the right times
Our movement around school, eating, drinking and use of language will be orderly and pleasant.
Respect and Following Instructions
‘Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry’’ . James 1: 19
‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ Luke 6:31
‘Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure.’ Philippians 2:14 -15
We will follow the instructions of teachers and legitimate authority willingly
We will show respect for other people in the way we behave
We will be polite and courteous when speaking and listening to each other and our teachers, and especially polite to visitors
Work and Rest
‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as for the Lord.’ Colossians 3:23
‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.’ 1 Corinthians 10:31
We will have a teachable spirit, work hard, and be determined to do our best.
We will be prepared for our lessons and settle down quickly and calmly at the start of activities.
We will engage in appropriate leisure activities, which are not at the expense of others, including sports, crafts, games, reading and conversation.
Stewardship and Care
‘The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.’ Psalm 24:1
“Let all things be done decently and in order”. 1 Corinthians 14: 40
We will keep our environment tidy by being responsible with litter and clearing away after activities.
We will use resources wisely. Being deliberately wasteful, causing damage or misusing materials is unacceptable.
We will look after equipment and we know that deliberate damage to property is not right.
Truth and Integrity
‘He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but a false witness tells lies’, Proverbs 12:17
‘Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Christ Himself’, Ephesians 4:15
‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly’, Micah 6 v 8
We will be careful to tell the truth
We will be reliable and trustworthy at all times, behaving in a way that we know is expected of us
We will complete classwork and homework on time and to a good standard.
We will be a good influence on others.
We will stand up for what is right by listening, speaking out and responding when we can