​O U R A I M S

Our Aims and Purpose
We look to the Bible to discover what the school should be trying to achieve.
We see our children as God’s gift to our families (Ps 127:3), wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), but in need of redemption (Rom 3:23). We recognise our duty to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4) and that knowledge, wisdom and understanding are especially valued by God (Prov 1-5).
We want to see each child thoroughly equipped for good works which will commend Christ in this world (2 Tim 3:15-17) and prepared in heart, soul, mind and strength for life in the world to come (Deut 6:5; Matt 22:37).
Thus our aims and purpose in education are to complement the role of the family and the church and reflect what we believe are God’s priorities for our children:
To provide each child with a biblical understanding to equip the child for practical living in this world and encourage the child’s awareness of spiritual and eternal realities.
To help children develop an understanding which is relevant to all their roles in adult life.
To develop in children an understanding of society in both place and time.
To develop an understanding and appreciation of humankind’s cultural activities.
To develop an understanding of scientific and technological activities, both in the past and in the present.
To develop an understanding of and respect towards the natural world.
To develop in children an understanding of man’s unique role in creation and their opportunities and limitations.
To help children develop those fundamental skills which are necessary in order to achieve all other aims.

The Future
We intend that Bethany should remain a small, friendly school run by and for the parents and children involved with the school. We do not want the school to become so large that we lose the caring, informal, family feel. When our school is full we would hope that parents seeking a Christian education for their children would be able to set up the next Christian Family School with help, encouragement and support from everyone at Bethany.
Lower Building

Mr David Charles
Bethany School
Finlay Street
Sheffield, S3 7PS
Tel: 0114 272 6994
Email: bethanysch@aol.com
Web: www.bethanyschoolsheffield.org